Welcome to our BioMed X family!

AION Labs, Israel

Dear Applicant

The BioMed X Career Space enables you to apply for research career opportunities at the interface between academia and industry at our BioMed X Institutes in Heidelberg and New Haven, our XSeed Labs and our partner locations world-wide. As part of this community, we will keep you updated about future calls for application and job offers. You can always come back, update your profile, and submit a new application.

Once you have registered, you will receive a verification email with further instructions.

In case you are already registered at our BioMed X Career Space, please proceed directly to the login page.

Terms & Conditions

By checking the box above, I agree that all personal data provided above and during the subsequent application process may be used by BioMed X GmbH, BioMed X USA LLC, and their research sponsors and partners (e.g. pharmaceutical companies, partner locations), to present me with suitable career opportunities. I can withdraw my consent at any time by deleting my account. In order to protect my personal data, I agree that my uploaded application documents such as my curriculum vitae, motivation letter, recommendation letter, and project proposal will be automatically deleted 300 days after my submission. Furthermore, I have read the additional information regarding the processing of my personal data in the data protection information.