Job Offer #2023-RDG-J01 closed since February 22, 2024

Research Assistant Position (m/f/x) - Next-Generation Clinically Relevant Models of Fibrosis and Wound Healing

Call closed!

About BioMed X & XSeed Labs

BioMed X is an independent research institute with sites in Heidelberg, Germany, New Haven, Connecticut, XSeed Labs in Ridgefield, Connecticut, and a worldwide network of partner locations. Together with our partners, we identify big biomedical research challenges and provide creative solutions by combining global crowdsourcing with local incubation of the world’s brightest early-career research talents. Each of the highly diverse research teams at BioMed X has access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure and is continuously guided by experienced mentors from academia and industry. At BioMed X, we combine the best of two worlds – academia and industry – and enable breakthrough innovation by making biomedical research more efficient, more agile, and more fun.

About Team ‘Next-Generation Clinically Relevant Models of Fibrosis and Wound Healing’

The goal of our team, led by Dr Lorenzo Tala, is to create advanced in-vitro and in-silico models that recapitulate human physiology, allowing for drug discovery tailored to humans without the need for animal experimentation. The primary aim of this project is to create models that closely mimic human physiology, enabling more efficient and effective drug discovery processes. The team, located on the campus of Boehringer Ingelheim in Ridgefield, Connecticut, is dedicated to developing the next generation of organ-on-a-chip models for modeling fibrosis and wound healing.

The Position

We are seeking a Research Assistant to join our team to contribute to the development of next-generation in-vitro and in-silico models of fibrosis and wound healing. We are looking for highly enthusiastic researchers to support our efforts with their intellectual power and technical excellence. The ideal candidate would have a BS degree in cell/molecular biology or biomedical engineering.

Required skills

  • Proficiency in skin primary cell isolation and culture; experience with primary cells from other organs is a plus.
  • Previous experience in drug discovery, including specific experiments related to drug discovery and drug safety assessment.
  • Competence in molecular biology assays, such as ELISA, Multiplex ELISA, Single cell RNA seq, etc.
  • Strong teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • Independent thinking
  • Experienced to work in interdisciplinary teams

Additional preferred skills

  • Microscopy
  • Microfluidics
  • 3D-bioprinting

What we offer

  • International, diverse, and positive work atmosphere, flexible working environment
  • A competitive salary
  • Access to a vast network in science and industry.
  • Employee benefits plan

The position is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim..

Candidates are requested to submit

  • 1-page cover letter explaining the reasons of interest to join our team
  • Curriculum Vitae outlining scientific interests, research achievements, a record of publications, future personal goals, and extra-scientific passions
  • 2 references

The position is available as of March 1st, 2024. Please submit your application to the attention of Dr. Lorenzo Tala before February 22nd via our online Career Space.


XSeed Labs

Boehringer Ingelheim
Ridgefield, CT

Contact: Dr. Lorenzo Tala

Phone: +1 203 8004630

